Choosing A Right Type Of EHR


According to Federal Government, it has become vital for medical facilities to use EHRs from the year 2014. So, you too have ultimately decided to buy EHR, but to yr amusement, on searching online you find that there are more than 200 vendors online. It is quite natural they you might be give up after going through just few vendors that either you have heard about or would ask them for a demo. But here the piece of advice is that do not do t his unless you want the vendors to make plan for you instead you.

Before you take any decision, keep it in mind that Electronic Health Record is definitely going to affect your practice to a great extent. So, you need to stick to a logical as well as systematic HER selection process. This helpful site helps you to find a well trusted for your perfect medical health records.

Know the Decision Makers:

If you are your own boss then there is no problem but if it is a large group then you need to select committee carefully as you cannot give the responsibility of buying EHR to your office manager since this decisions should be taken by a Physician or under his guidance. He must be someone who is very much committed to learn about it and also want to introduce it to his colleagues.

Make sure that there are some influential people present in the selection committee so as to avoid any kind of problem in selection process as still people are skeptical about it.

Be Clear About Your Goals:

Consider all the inefficiencies or limitations right now you have in your medical practice and what do you want to achieve when you have bought HER? Do you find looking for charts time consuming or lab reports take more time than required or you are looking for something else to achieve? Are you comfortable with electronic prescription? Are you ready to print required education material for patients with just a push of a button?

Note Down a Request of Proposal:

No doubt it is bit exhausting and time consuming step but it is very important. By writing a request for proposal you will be able to make it clear to prospective vendor about your current practice status and what are your priorities and what you expect to achieve. With the help of response that you will get from your request for proposal you can easily do side- by side comparisons of different vendors and their products. Thereafter, invite only eligible vendors.

Ask for Demo:

Invited selected vendors for demo of their products, ask them to bring two sales personnel along with a skilled presenter and if possible a physician.

Go through References:

At least check three references from each vendor. See at lease reference is of a physician.

In the end, rank the vendors and then pick the vendor for final deal.